Monday, February 23, 2009

Me and Aimee had a Mother/Daughter date on Friday night. We went to Panera Bread and went to see "Taken". It was fun! We are going to start doing it once a month.
I saw these on the side of the road the other morning on my way home from the Y. Daffodils are my favorite flower and remind me of my Mom. We lived on 5 acres growing up and they would grow wild in the woods. I would always pics lots of bunches for Mama. I can't wait until this cold weather is done!! It was 18 this morning at 4:45am when I left for the Y.
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Sandi said...

The flowers are beatiful, I could use a dose of spring, not a chance in Utah!

Sandi said...

The flowers are beatiful! I could use a dose of spring, but not a chance of getting that living in Utah!

Anonymous said...

How fun! My Mom loves daffodils too. You two crack me up - Taken looks so scary. I think of Aimee whenever I see a trailer for a scary movie. I have a new book for you. My Mom's almost finished with it. It's really good.

Hamblin Family said...

Good to see what you've been up to. We really miss you guys out there.